What is involved in hypnosis?
It's a safe way to access your subconscious mind and rewrite your story. Our conscious and subconscious mind is always present, but we usually do not pay attention to the subconscious, with hypnosis we can plant healthier habits and let go of unwanted old programs.
What is Reiki?
Reiki is universal life force energy and is a simple, natural and safe method of healing and self improvement that everyone can use. It has been in use for over 100 years and is based on the idea that an unseen "life force" flows through us and is what causes us to be alive.
Wedding Planning Tips
Planning your wedding is an exciting time. We've all heard the stories of how stressful and overwhelming it can be, but we're here to tell you that planning your wedding doesn't have to be like that.
How To Protect Yourself Against Energy Vampires
What does the term Energy Vampire mean anyway? An Energy Vampire is a person that steals other people's energies because they are living their life in a victim consciousness and believe that everything happens to them. Living in this manner is very dis-empowering
Self Love Painting Party
She painted flowers, circles, and some abstract art, all with her breasts. It was a way for her to celebrate her feminine body before she removed them. When I seen her paintings, I got inspired. I thought it was such a beautiful gesture to do for yourself. “Why wait for a disease to celebrate your feminine body, and paint with your breasts.”
Celebrating 20 years!!
I am so happy to be celebrating 20 years as an entrepreneur, or should I say soulprenuer! I am so grateful I followed my heart when others questioned what I was doing. Reiki? Hypnosis? Goddess Circles? Reverend? Coach? Bachelors of Metaphysical Science? WHAT!!!
How Reiki Helps to Reduce Stress
Reiki is an energy healing treatment method, which works on your whole body, mind and spirit. It’s not a system of religious beliefs, but simply a relaxing treatment during which natural, healing vibrations are transmitted through the hands of the Reiki practitioner to your body.
The Divine Feminine Energies
The Divine Feminine is all about receiving and nourishing ourselves. When we let go of giving to everyone else, we can focus on what will keep us healthy and happy -- and let's be honest, who doesn't want that for themselves?
5 Ways to Make Gratitude Benefit Your Health
A popular concept on Facebook these days is to post a daily “Attitude of Gratitude” item. I love this because it makes us stop and think about what we have to be grateful for. There’s quite a large amount of scientific evidence available that people who practice gratitude as part of their lifestyle enjoy more well-being.
How to Find Your Inner Goddess
I want my daughter to be comfortable in her skin and not obsessed with harmful ideas about how girls “should” look. This got me thinking: what are some of the ways we can let our inner Goddesses shine through and show our beauty without always being at the mercy of self-critical thoughts of our imperfections?
Past Life Regressions: Fact or Fiction?
We all want to believe there’s more to life than just the here and now. But believing in reincarnation doesn’t make it true, just as belief in anything doesn’t mean it will come to pass in reality. So what evidence is there that reincarnation exists, and that you have been here before?