Everyone has a story.
Here is mine.

Goddess Extraordinaire & Love Amplifier


Like everyone, I’ve faced challenges. Self doubt, comparison with others – it’s part of life. Whether it’s through our own expectations, or of those around us, very few people feel as if they measure up.

It’s been a long journey for me personally to overcome the self doubt that stemmed from a childhood of abuse and fear. My healing started during my teen years and led to the discovery of my path and purpose. I started challenging my fears, ignoring the doubts of those around me and expanding my mind.

Through this deep inner work, I was able to leave behind my perceived limitations and break through the barriers that lay between who I believed I had to be and who I knew I was destined to be.

For the past 20 years, I’ve worked with women of all ages and backgrounds to help them face and conquer their own unique challenges. My mission is to demonstrate that through self-love we are able to triumph over the adversities we encounter throughout our lives and step fully into the power of who we truly are.

A first generation Canadian, I was born to immigrant parents – one from Ecuador, one from Columbia – and grew up in Toronto. Although I was surrounded by family and a diverse community, I always felt out of place.

As a child, I was able to see energy, angels, spirits and spirit guides. When I shared what I was seeing with others around me, it was met with fear and derision. I became very fearful and rejected my intuitive gifts. I grew up in a Catholic school and remember my Bible study teacher telling me, “the devil was playing tricks with me.”

My home was often not a safe place, filled with physical abuse. Over the years, I developed phobia of almost everything – men, conflict, the dark, evil spirits, and more. I felt trapped in a life where danger lurked around every corner, waiting to catch me off guard, striking when I least expected.

I sought solace in prayer, hoping somehow, I would be able to survive the life that lay before me.

How it all started


“It’s the fire in my eyes, and the flash of my teeth, the swing in my waist, and the joy in my feet. I’m a woman phenomenally.”

— Maya Angelou

The simplest thing can set you on a different path.

For me, the catalyst for change came in high school when I happened across a poem by Maya Angelou called Phenomenal Woman. As I read it, I felt as though Maya wrote the poem just for me. It encouraged me to consider a different possibility for myself. It painted for me a picture of who I could become. It became my guiding light, my mantra, my vision for myself.

I began stepping out of my comfort zone and building relationships with my peers. Seeing myself as the “Phenomenal Woman” in the poem, my self-esteem began to slowly improve, and I began to truly love myself.

I started listening to Tony Robbins and Dr. Wayne Dyer as a teenager and started volunteering at their events in my early 20s. As I surrounded myself with this new positive personal development energies, I started to shed the old programs.

I went from fearing everything, to trusting the Universe and releasing all the old programs!

On my journey of self discovery, I learned of the many gifts I had hidden in the subconscious of my mind. These sacred gifts were patiently waiting for the appropriate moment to reveal themselves, the moment I confidently stepped into my power!

As I studied, I learned that the light has more power than the darkness, and I was ready to let go of all the old programs and conditioning. I embraced and practiced my gifts, which opened the door for me to allow and embrace my other intuitive abilities. I continued my studies and became a Reiki Master, a Certified Hypnotherapist, Metaphysical Practitioner and Minister, Inspirational Speaker, Life Coach and a Bachelors degree in Metaphysical Science.

“After accepting myself, I was able to open myself up to help others. For the past two decades, I’ve helped countless numbers of women on their individual journeys of
self-discovery, self-acceptance, and healing.”

Our individual and unique challenges lie before us

I work with women one-on-one, in small groups, and in auditoriums. It isn’t just me providing a service, rather it’s the synergy of Spirit working through me, my willingness to be a clear vessel, and the women’s openness to hear their inner-selves speak.

As we each travel our own paths, our individual and unique challenges lie before us. We have the choice of avoiding them or facing them. We can ignore our power or we can embrace it. We can meekly play small or we can fiercely own the goddess within.

Through her diverse experiences, she has crafted a seamless integration of energetic modalities, encompassing expertise in:

  • Reiki Master - 2003

  • Certified Hypnotherapist (specializing in Past Life Regression, Child Birth Hypnosis, Anxiety, Building Confidence and Stop Smoking) - 2004

  • Angel Therapy Practitioner - 2007

  • Bachelors in Metaphysical Science & Metaphysical Practitioner - 2009

  • Metaphysical Minister - 2009

  • Channeling, Tarot Reader, Crystal Healing, 2005-2010

  • Certified Professional Life Coach - 2020

  • Cosmic Sexuality Coach - 2021

  • Mental Health First Aid - 2021

  • Sound Therapy Healing Practitioner - 2022

  • Founder of RISE - 2022

  • Founder of Amplify Love Podcast - 2023

Interview with the Metaphysical Show

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You can change your life and discover who you were meant to be.

I’d be honored to help you unleash your inner greatness.

Are you ready to find the goddess within?

Follow our journey.