Receiving Reiki is safe, painless, and very relaxing.



I’ve been a Reiki Master since 2003 and teach Reiki classes regularly. What is Reiki you ask?

Reiki (pronounced ‘ray-key’) is an ancient Japanese Healing Method. ‘Rei’, means ‘Universal/God’, and ‘ki’ means life force energy.

Reiki is completely non-invasive – you are fully clothed and lay on my vibroacoustic sound table under a blanket, totally relaxed. Reiki involves the placing of hands onto the body, or hovering slightly above it and can be felt as warm sensation or tingling in the body. Reiki is gentle and simple in its approach and can be used in any setting with total comfort.

Reiki's gentle energy balances, harmonizes and restores the natural flow of energy throughout your body. It's a powerful tool to assist with stress, anxiety, pain and so much more.

Reiki Energy acts rather like a laser that cuts away the blockages that create illness. Once the Reiki energy enters the body it works to find the root of the problem, whether physical, emotional, spiritual or mental. Reiki goes exactly where it is needed to go, and will continue to flow even after the session is complete.

Some Benefits of Reiki:

  • Relieves depression

  • Enhances memory & focus

  • Reduces stress & anxiety

  • Releases blocked and suppressed emotions

  • Improves sleep

  • Soothes headaches & migraines

  • Strengthens self esteem

  • Boosts confidence

  • Relieves pain & discomfort

  • Accelerates recovery from operations

  • Strengthens immune system

  • Balances hormones – PMS, menopause, fertility

  • Heals past traumas

  • Clears toxins

  • Regulates blood pressure

  • Improves digestion

  • Promotes a greater sense of well being & happiness

Everyone can learn Reiki.

Reiki is a safe and natural way to provide healing energy to friends, family, pets, mother earth, clients and most importantly ourselves. We need to heal ourselves first before we can heal other people. Taking time for ourselves is essential in living a balanced life. Reiki is a wonderful tool to assist us in this process. Once we are healed, we can offer it to others.

Interested in learning Reiki?

Cord Releasing /Cutting

Cords are made of energy and connect two people’s energy bodies. They stretch between two people very much like an invisible umbilical cord and transfer emotional energy and life force energy between the two people. It does not matter how far away the other person is, as the cord is not a physical substance and distance is irrelevant.

Releasing is a more powerful word than cutting. Imagine a weed, when you cut the weed, it will grow back, with Cord Releasing we will be derooting the weed, pulling it out from the roots, hence it will not grow back. Releasing cords is a very common practice in energy healing. This helps to recover energy that has been lost and to re-establish healthy energetic boundaries.

When we enter into relationship with someone, whether it is with family, friend, intimate partner, colleague, someone we have regular dealings with, or even an individual that you meet in passing, we develop energetic cords.  We also develop strong energy cords in our sexual relationships, it is important to release these cords so we can be able to manifest harmony.

Reiki removes old cords so you can be free!

Signs of Unhealthy Cording

  • Energy levels are depleted

  • Feelings of general leathery, depression, unexplained sadness

  • Feelings of being ‘stuck’ or unable to make decision

  • Obsessive thoughts about another person

  • Speaking often about another person, often in a judgmental or deprecating way

  • Lowered immune function - getting sick often

  • Going back with your ex after knowing its unhealthy eg. controlling, abusive, manipulative

  • Staying in an unhappy relationship and tolerating unhealthy relationships with family, friends or colleagues

All the sessions will be on the sound table, to learn more about the benefits click here:


Looking forward to connecting

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