The Divine Feminine Energies
Do you wonder how to harness divine feminine energy? The Divine Feminine energy is both gentle and fierce at the same time, a paradox that encompasses all of creation. As Divine Feminine Goddesses, we believe in embracing the entire spectrum of emotion as well as maintaining an open-mind. We value love, we hold space, we receive wisdom and we nourish ourselves. The Divine Feminine is about being grounded in physical reality while still honoring and being grateful for our spiritual connections.
If you're interested in working with the Divine Feminine, you already know that the Divine Feminine promotes love and healing, creativity, life and peace. The Divine Feminine creates an abundant world, where all of us can blossom. Yes that’s right - its a life of abundance, there is enough for you, me and everyone else. Its not about competition, its about collaboration. It is about connecting to the sacredness in others and expanding the light. It is stilling yourself, creating a sacred space to explore the hidden aspects of yourself. Being gentle with yourself and trusting yourself. Every single human has the Divine feminine energies, its our sacral chakra, our ability to connect, create and BE.
Here's a simple question: are you taking time each day to nurture yourself? It's so easy to get caught up in the hustle, in checking off our ever-growing to-do lists, that we forget to take care of our bodies and minds. We need rest, and we need to cultivate our relationships with ourselves as much as we cultivate them with other people.
It's not always easy to find a quiet place where we can hear your Divine Feminine voice, but it's a journey worth taking. Take a little time today to find peace in your heart, and see what happens.
So how to awaken your divine feminine? Find the time this week to do something special for yourself. Put on a mask, get a massage, or just sit down with a cup of tea and put on your favorite movie. Whatever it is, make sure to check-in with yourself before you start and think about how good it feels to be doing something for you! Self love is a great way to start connecting to your divine feminine energies. To start, self-love means acknowledging that you are worthy of love. That you are worthy of support. That you are worthy of the work it takes to be the best version of yourself.
It means knowing that you deserve to be happy and fulfilled. It means knowing that you deserve to pursue your dreams and passions.
It means knowing that you are capable of greatness, and that your life has purpose.
Here are 3 steps to connect to your divine feminine energies:
Write yourself a letter outlining the things you love about yourself. You can write about your personality traits, your strengths, or even what you look like.
Try to make one kind gesture towards yourself every day. You could take a long bath, get a massage, or take a few minutes to meditate.
Take stock of the way you speak to yourself. Would you talk to others the way that you talk to yourself? If not, how can you be more supportive of your own thoughts? Words have power, you can build yourself up or break yourself down. Always aim to build yourself up!
So let's start by loving ourselves more completely, supporting our own growth, and treating ourselves with the same level of care we would give our best friends or family members!
My passion is to help women awaken their innate power and magic. Too often, women are told it's not okay to be loud or powerful, too angry or too emotional, too sexual or too sensual. Too much. That's why I'm here: to help you find your inner goddess, to activate your divine feminine energies, and become the powerful woman you were always meant to be.
If you're ready to rediscover your voice, unlock your intuition, and take back your power , then you've come to the right place.