Activating the Sacred Feminine

The sacred feminine is a term that refers to the animating life-force found in all things. When we talk about the sacred feminine, we're not referring to gender—we're talking about energy. The sacred masculine and the sacred feminine are two sides of the same coin, and most people have both inside of them.

When I refer to a person as having "activated their sacred feminine," what I mean is that they've reached a point in their spiritual journey where they've decided to let go of the things that hold them back from expressing their true nature. They have learned to embrace themselves fully, live from a place of love, and connect with their emotions in an honest way.

Activating the sacred feminine is so important in life. Just like the sun, the moon, and the stars, you are a powerful force of nature. You are one with everything that is, and your energy can be used to manifest anything! When you connect with your sacred feminine energy, it's like listening to a song that returns you to a time before words and beliefs divided us from our own divinity. You're able to access an ancient knowing that exists deep within all of us.

It's something you feel in your bones. It's an energy that emanates out of every pore, right into the universe. It's a power that lives within you, yes you are cosmic energies embodied!

One way to activate the Sacred Feminine is to enjoy the pleasures in life, which includes sacred sexuality and cosmic orgasms.

I am so proud to say I completed my training as a Cosmic Sexuality Coach! YES I am so excited! This topic has been an interest of mine for over a decade! Its seeing sex as a sacred experience, it is aligning to the divine, knowing that the Universe created you to experience pleasure! Women are taught to feel ashamed of our sexuality and power - but that story is history (his story) I am here to guide you, so you can rewrite your story! ( Did you know in the past we were taught we would turn hairy or go crazy if we experienced self pleasure?)

Sexuality is a powerful force that has been repressed for centuries and it’s time to reclaim what’s ours! I can help you step into your sacred feminine energies, to embody the cosmic life force powers and release your limiting beliefs.

I can teach you how to use your orgasm to manifest, how to release old sexual energies that are holding you back. I will teach you how to connect with your partner in a cosmic way, for true intimacy, sacred connections and MORE!

Reach out if you want to gain the confidence to finally embrace your powerful force of nature and learn these sacred tools so you can enjoy the Sacred Feminine energies in this capacity too!


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